In July 2009, in conjunction with Walton Animal Guild, we tried something new: we loaded 125 dogs and 15 cats into horse trailers, vans and trucks and hauled them all the way from Georgia to Connecticut to a mega adoption put on by the SPCA.
Because Connecticut has strong animal control laws, they don't have the pet overpopulation problem we have. In fact, they have a shortage of some animals and people were camped out to be first in line!

Dogs packed into the van in the late afternoon

We drove overnight to avoid the heat of the day

Morning rush hour going across the George Washington Bridge

The line went on all weekend!

The big tents

A kitty finds her new owner!

Petey and his new mom and dad!

Randy and his new friends!

For almost a year we tried to find Schatzi a new home but nobody wanted this plain brown Georgia dog...

...Then a little boy came along and said "I want THIS dog!" and nothing could convince him otherwise!

Gretchen and her new family!